We first encountered Friends of the Pound about 3 years ago when we fostered a couple of kittens, we had never fostered animals before and really liked the experience. Fast forward 3 years and we were again in a position to foster some little furry friends again, after experiencing a very tough 2015, and personal tragedy we decided on fostering again. We were delivered 4 kittens which we had for the weekend and decided on 2, we would have loved to taken all 4 but it was impossible. We settled on Hugo and Sebastian (our names), two little 12 week old ginger cats, whom we instantly fell in love with. They are a lot of fun and do keep us on our toes but we would not have it any other way. The Friends of the Pound have brought us much joy and happiness and we recommend them to you if you want a furry little friend or friends in your life.
Hugo & Sebastian
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